Mr. Conrado is the current Chairman of the Board of United Carp Beneficiaries Association Inc. (UNICARBAI). An organic farmer since 2018, he has been recognized and awarded as an outstanding organic coconut farmer/practitioner several times and became the “Natatanging Magsasaka ng Niyog” in 2014.
He believes that he is able to help protect the environment with his farming techniques, like avoiding hazardous chemicals, which will benefit the future generations.
“There’s a lot of opportunities in farming. Farming is a business. You just need to exert energy, commitment and love what you do to achieve your goal. Be creative and a non-stop learning.”
A former chief flight mechanic, Mr. Amadeo started living in his farm after retirement and saw a pressing concern among his fellow farmers of low farm-gate buying of coconuts. This led him to establish Tacul Agri-Based Farmers and Workers Association (TAFWA) in 2018.
Through TAFWA, the supply chain framework changed by buying coconuts within the community, offer bettering pricing to the coconut farmers.
“Despite that I have been diagnosed with a critical illness, I think God extended my life because I still have a mission, to help the coconut farmers.”
While her husband works on the farm, Ms. Bienvenida handles the finances, including budgeting and income generating strategies from their farm proceeds.
“Women have a very big role to play in family farming because they are naturally good at techniques for maximizing income to compensate for the expenses.”
Arnold had no interest in farming at first. However, he saw the struggles of the farmers and has come to realize and appreciate their importance in economy building. Since then, he has attended several trainings on concoction, seed banking and poultry management.
He is currently the President of Malasila Young Farmers Organization and hopes to encourage young people to take up coconut farming and support the industry for future generations.
“Though our organization is small and earning little, it somehow supports not only me but also the other young people financially. For some, farming is hard, dirty and with little opportunity. But without the farmers, we have nothing to eat.”
“Now I no longer see
coconuts as mere raw
material, but rather a
product of hardwork and
trust fostered by years of
partnership between
Franklin Baker and our
suppliers. Overall, the
immersion expanded my
views and helped me
better appreciate the
Franklin Baker
commitment to its
“The immersion program
was a valuable learning
experience. I understood
the socio-economic
impacts of coconut
farming and the potential
of innovation and
technology to create new
markets and value chain
for coconuts. It inspired
me to support and
advocate for sustainable
coconut production and
processing practices.”
“The farm visit bridged
the gap between Franklin
Baker employees and
coconut farmers and led
to a more personal
understanding of each
stakeholder’s needs.
Likewise, we took the
opportunity to personally
relay to our partner
farmers how invaluable
their work is towards the
success of the Franklin
Baker operations.”
FRANKLIN BAKER | All Rights Reserved | 2024
FRANKLIN BAKER | All Rights Reserved | 2024